The Facts

Men with less than a bachelor’s degree have seen their real earnings stagnate or decline, with an especially large drop among workers with the lowest levels of education. 1

Statistics for Tulsa


Income: Household


Source: Census - American Community Survey - B19013 Median household income

This statistic shows median household income according to the US Census. Tract-level statistics use five-year estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS), while county-level statistics use ACS one-year estimates.

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Educational Attainment: Bachelor's Degree


Source: Census - American Community Survey - S1501 Educational Attainment

Denominator: Total population over 18

This statistic shows the population 18 years or older with a Bachelor's degree or higher according to the U.S. Census estimates. Because this calculation uses totals from multiple tables, there is some margin of error.

Race and ethnicity disaggregates are from Census table S1501, and gender disaggregates are from Census table B15001.

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