The Facts

Children who participate in early childhood development achieve higher education and make more money as adults. 1

Statistics for Tulsa


Educational Attainment: Bachelor's Degree


Source: Census - American Community Survey - S1501 Educational Attainment

Denominator: Total population over 18

This statistic shows the population 18 years or older with a Bachelor's degree or higher according to the U.S. Census estimates. Because this calculation uses totals from multiple tables, there is some margin of error.

Race and ethnicity disaggregates are from Census table S1501, and gender disaggregates are from Census table B15001.

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School Enrollment: Preschool


Source: Census - American Community Survey - B14003 School Enrollment Ages 3+

Denominator: Total Children under the Age of 5

This metric shows preschool-aged children enrolled in preschool. The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of children enrolled in public or private preschools by the estimated number of preschool-aged children. This estimate is described below. We used Census table BI4003 to disaggregate by gender and B104007 to disaggregate by race.

Note: This measure does have some limitations. Depending on when during the year a child is born, he or she enrolls in kindergarten at age 5 or 6, meaning some 5-year-old children are still in a preschool program. Therefore, the numerator and denominator of this measure may not always line up perfectly. Fortunately, there is relatively little variation in the ACS population estimates by age, so a denominator that includes half the 3-year-old children, all the 4-year-old children, and half the 5-year-old children is comparable to the denominator of 3- and 4-year-olds we used here.

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