Oklahoma Data Matrix - Education

"The Oklahoma Data Matrix is a visualization tool built in response to the COVID-related educational disruptions throughout SYs 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. This tool displays participation rates, enrollment trends, and state summative assessment performance data for all public schools and districts in Oklahoma."



Link To Data Source


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When Was The Data Collected?


Why Was The Data Collected?

To understand participation rate following COVID-related educational disruptions.

Most Specific Geographic Estimate


When Was The Data Last Updated?


How Was The Data Collected?

Annual tests and enrollment records

Who Collected The Data?

Oklahoma school districts

Who Owns The Data?

U.S. Department of Education

Who Was Included Or Excluded From The Sample?

"Students included in participation rate and performance reporting are those who were enrolled during the time of testing, regardless of full academic year status."

Notes On Data Quality

The data was collected "in light of pandemic-related instructional changes and interruptions."

Notes On Data Usage Conditions

"Please note that these data should not be used for evaluative or comparative purposes, as disruptions to instruction resulted in non-uniform learning opportunities." Data is publicly available.

How Often Is The Data Refreshed?


What Is The Sample Size?



Are The Variables Clearly Defined?


Has The Data Been Disaggregated?


Why Hasn'T The Data Been Disaggregated?


Source Categories



What Other Data Could Be Used As A Comparison Point?

District-level data

Why Were These Categories Used?


Who Selected The Categories?

Oklahoma Department of Education

Who Is Defining The Categories?

Oklahoma Department of Education

Who Is Defining The Categories?

Oklahoma Department of Education


Associated Topics Covered
School Enrollment