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Crossover Sports and Fitness

Our commitment to producing athletes that excel both on and off the field sets us apart from other youth sports organizations. We not only strive to develop championship caliber athletes, but we also use sports to develop championship caliber men and women. We talk about the importance of character at our practices and demand that all of our coaches exemplify that character. We require our athletes in the third grade and up to maintain a C in every subject in order to be eligible to play. If an athlete can stay eligible for us, they will not have any trouble staying eligible when they get to school ball. We demonstrate our commitment to academics by awarding kids who make all A's and A's & B's with awards during our annual Lions Sunday Football Celebration. And to help our kids academically, we also have the IMPACT Kids After School Program available free of charge for all Crossover Lions. IMPACT Kids is a four day a week after-school program that provides homework assistance, a STEM-based (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum, and biblical instruction. Our commitment to winning on and off the field creates a powerful combination that we believe will benefit our athletes for the rest of their lives.

StreetLeader Program

Since 2013, CCI has hired between 10 and 20 north Tulsa teens (StreetLeaders) as part-time employees in the Crossover Kids After School Program and Summer Day Camp to work as tutors and mentors for our elementary-age students.

The StreetLeader Program is designed to provide teens from at-risk communities with real world job experience. The job skills of CCI’s StreetLeaders are refined through daily coaching sessions and monthly performance evaluations. In the latter, the StreetLeaders are given feedback on their general job skills, positive attitude, enthusiasm and initiative, supervising and caring for students, tutoring, and support of our teachers in the program.

As the name of the program indicates, we also expect our StreetLeaders to be leaders in north Tulsa. We challenge our StreetLeaders to use their influence and leadership abilities to make positive changes in the lives of our elementary-age kids, other StreetLeaders, and friends at school and in their neighborhoods.

The StreetLeader Program also incentivizes and supports high academic achievement. While high school students applying for a job as a StreetLeader do not have to have exceptional grades to get into the program, once they are in the program, they cannot have any grade beneath a “C” during a semester. If they have a failing grade in a class, they have to take a semester off to get their grades up before being allowed to reapply for a position in the program. We track our StreetLeaders’ grades through the semesters and seek to provide them support, including connecting StreetLeaders to tutors in subjects in which they are struggling.

Ultimately, our hope is that the teens from our community will be equipped through the StreetLeader Program with the job skills, leadership and academic abilities, and heart to lead in our community as adults. Moreover, we hope that some of our elementary school kids will look up to our StreetLeaders and become StreetLeaders who are passionate about tutoring and mentoring the kids who come after them.

Crossover Kids

Crossover Kids is committed to restoring our community through our after-school and summer programming for elementary school students in the Hawthorne neighborhood. We strive to help families develop children who will go into their adolescent years with an appreciation for education, a growing hunger to know God, and a deep passion to love their neighbors as themselves. Our programs include activities that cover Reading, Bible, Recreation, and S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) and are led by our College and High School Leaders (known as our College Leaders and StreetLeaders)! For more information on how to get involved in our programs, please email

Crossover Health Services

At Crossover Health Services, we’re committed to providing our community
with a patient experience that rivals anything you’ll find elsewhere.

Crossover Development Company

To help address the lack of services and quality jobs, CDC pursues economic development projects, workforce development through the creation of construction jobs, and entrepreneurial support. CDC is working to develop its first mixed use development on Crossover Community Impact’s land at 36th St. N. and Peoria Ave. We hope this development will help catalyze the

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Join the Tulsa TimeBank

Join a TimeBank. Where we build a better community that shares each other's time. TimeBanking is a unique way of building community through trust, where members depend on one another. You can earn credits by giving your time to help someone and then spending those earned credits receiving help in return. Everyone is valued equally and one hour you give = one credit earned.

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Community Savings Groups

Community savings groups are associations where people agree to save a certain amount periodically and deposit their savings into a shared account. Some groups offer small loans, too.

They’re popular all over the world, from West African Sou-sous to Mexican Tandas to Vietnamese Huis.

No matter where they are, community savings groups benefit people from all walks of life. They help you cultivate financial and economic security with people you trust, increase your savings, and borrow money without high-interest rates.